
Hi! My name is Dr. Maria Emilia Gambuzza. My students called me Dr. G, and I like it! I’m originally from Venezuela, but I have been living in Florida, USA since 2002. I’m a passionate educator. Love to teach, coach, and share with everybody the experiences and pieces of knowledge I collect in my journey.

My latest line of research is neuroscience and mindfulness applied to leadership. For me, this is a magical combination and the reason for this blog. I am still studying and researching about both topics. In the meantime, I will keep sharing here all my experiences.

One of my latest habits is meditation. LOVE IT! Every day I meditate for at least 15 minutes. But, I still have a “monkey mind“.  My real passion is reading books. Sometimes, I’m reading three books at the same time…I prefer to buy books than shoes!

I obtained a Doctorate in Education with two concentrations: Higher Education Leadership and Human Resources Development; a Master of Business Administration, and a Bachelor in Human Resources Management.

See you around!

Dr. G

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